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Search results for References by bartolini-lucenti, s.
Bartolini-Lucenti, S.; Cirilli, O.; Pandolfi, L.; Bernor, R.L.; Bukhsianidze, M.; Carotenuto, F.; Lordkipanidze, D.; Tsikaridze, N.; Rook, L., 2022. Zoogeographic significance of Dmanisi large mammal assemblage. Journal of Humann Evolution 163 (103125): []


Pandolfi, L.; Bartolini-Lucenti, S.; Cirilli, O.; Bukhsianidze, M.; Lordkipanidze, D.; Rook, L., 2021. Paleoecology, biochronology, and paleobiogeography of Eurasian Rhinocerotidae during the Early Pleistocene: The contribution of the fossil material from Dmanisi (Georgia, Southern Caucasus). Journal of Human Evolution 156 (103013): 13 pp., 10 figs []


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